Trial Instructional Flight (TIF)
This is where the journey begins
Why not try a short Trial Instruction Flight (TIF), with you at the controls? It’s yours any time you like. Your instructor will show you many of the basics, and you can enjoy the view at the same time.
- Trial Instructional Flight (40 minutes or 60 minutes) in a Piper Archer/Cherokee. Package includes head set hire, aircraft safety check prior to departing, mini brief and flight). This flight can be logged and goes towards to your overall flight time.
After the TIF, if you decide you wish to continue flying training, there are a few things which we recommend you do. They are as follows:
- Aviation Medical Check with Designated Aviation Medical Examiner (
- Apply for Aviation Reference Number (ARN) and Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC).
- Pilot Log Book which can be purchased from NSW AIR Flight Training.
- Basic Aeronautical Knowledge Textbook for self study, NSW AIR carries stock of these.